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Each site you vote on will earn you 1 Voting Credit.
These can then be exchanged for rewards!
You can redeem your credits in the Trophy Room!

We're hiring!

We are currently hiring for a variety of roles!
If you're interested in any of the following, check out the Applications link at the top of this page.
  • Builder
  • Professor
  • Prefect
  • Developer
  • PotterWatch
We're always interested in hearing from you if you have certain skills.
Ask Head Staff for more information!
Scoreboard Update
Curtis73 Curtis73 • about 1 year ago 1408    1

Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a lovely day!

I'm pleased to announce the release of our scoreboard - an informative little tab that sits on the right of your screen! It aims to bring together key gameplay information in one place, and to hopefully reduce the amount of commands you're having to run to see basic information.

Scoreboard visibility is on by default, and can be toggled under the new Scoreboard section under the settings in your /profile.
At the minute, it shows the following:

  • Bank Balance
  • Inventory Balance
  • Current status of class (if there is one)
  • The town at your current location

It's still early days, and we'll be expanding it over ...

Curtis73 Curtis73 • about 1 year ago 1672    1

Soon™️ is finally here - I am proud to present PotterPets!

Pets are little animals that will follow you around and look cute, but are unfortunately cosmetic only and won't join you in beating your enemies to death.
Everyone will have access to the owl pet by default, and more will be unlockable in the future via quests and the donation store (and yes, you can pet them)

To get started, visit Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley, where you will be able to speak to Grenderwend the shopkeeper - however, there's a mystery you'll have to solve first. 
You must first complete our new quest "The Curious Case of the Stolen Familiars" - our most advanced yet, with window smashing mechanics and two different end...

Housing Update
Curtis73 Curtis73 • over 2 years ago 2349    2

I'm pleased to announce a feature that's been in the pipeline for quite a while now - Player Housing!

Housing is a small, unique plot (base dimensions 32x32x64, upgradeable to 48x48x64) on which you are free to build anything upon. There are no mobs, no resets, and you can control exactly who has access to both visit and build upon it!
You can also choose to toggle flight, pvp, and spell casting, and we hope to expand on this in the future with more advanced customization options and possibly larger plot sizes.

To gain access to your housing plot, you must first complete a short quest, Business Ventures, which can be accessed via the Tobias NPC near the steps going up to King's Cross Station.
Once unlocked, y...

Prefect Applications Open
AaronJP AaronJP • over 2 years ago 1958    1

Prefect Applications

You will be delighted to know we're opening up prefect applications!

We have the following vacancies opening up;

  • 2 Gryffindor
  • 2 Hufflepuff
  • 2 Ravenclaw
  • 1 Slytherin (due to long standing efforts by @lucioles who remains a Slytherin prefect)

If you are interested in applying please visit to submit an application. To remind you the following criteria should be met before applying;

  • You must be at least a fifth year on the server.
  • You must have Discord, and be a member of our Discord server.
  • You must be at leas...
Happy Halloween!
Curtis73 Curtis73 • over 3 years ago 3285    1

With Halloween almost upon us, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Halloween on behalf of PotterCraft MC and its staff team!
Enjoy your sweets and don't eat too much!

Trick or Treat
It's Hallow's Eve once again, and all across the Wizarding World, adults and children alike are putting on their costumes, placing pumpkins outside their homes, and preparing for a night of fun!
However, there is danger about...
Some of these innocent people have become cursed, and are attacking anyone who comes to their door! Some will attack you outright, others will ask you a question, your fate determined by the answer you give.
You can Trick or Treat at Godric's Hollow, Hogsmeade Village or Grimmauld P...

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