Happy Halloween!
Started by Curtis73



07 Jul 2020
Last Seen
17 Dec 2024

With Halloween almost upon us, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Halloween on behalf of PotterCraft MC and its staff team!
Enjoy your sweets and don't eat too much!

Trick or Treat
It's Hallow's Eve once again, and all across the Wizarding World, adults and children alike are putting on their costumes, placing pumpkins outside their homes, and preparing for a night of fun!
However, there is danger about...
Some of these innocent people have become cursed, and are attacking anyone who comes to their door! Some will attack you outright, others will ask you a question, your fate determined by the answer you give.
You can Trick or Treat at Godric's Hollow, Hogsmeade Village or Grimmauld Place, and there are lots of treats to be had!
Collect as many as you can, and trade them in with the Envoy who recently arrived at Hogwarts!

Wilfred Broadwell is a renowned member of the Magical Order, esteemed potioneer, and recipient of the Order of Merlin 2nd Class.
Well, he was until he was found dead earlier this week!
Supposedly murdered by the Killing Curse, esteemed Auror Colt Cassowary has been tasked with investigating this mysterious crime. However, his partner has fallen ill and therefore is in need of a detective to assist his investigation!
You can find Colt in the Leaky Cauldron, but you better be fast because his partner is due back on November 14th.

A Strange Mystery
There have also been reports of cards with strange shapes left around Hogwarts... I wonder what could be going on here?

Curtis73 · over 3 years ago · Last edited: over 3 years ago