It's been a long time coming, but we finally have a new King's Cross station - complete with a new Platform 9 3/4 and Hogwarts Express!
This lays the framework for a more inter-connected London, with potential space for apartments and player run shops in the surrounding buildings, and more locations to utilize for events and quests!
We've also taken this opportunity to spruce up the road to Hogwarts with more interactable NPCs & dialogue!
If you want to check out this cool new location, you can useĀ /warp kingscross until the floo network's set up, and the weasley car will continue to transport you from Diagon Alley!
Tilly4225 - Exterior & interior of King's Cross and Platform 9 3/4
lucioles - Helping with King's Cross interior & doing the entire surrounding area
KoffieLeutjes - Hogwarts Express